Bulgaria: Kassai received an offer from Sofia through WhatsApp

Vágólapra másolva!
2022.01.27. 17:24
Viktor Kassai (Photo: Attila Török)
As we have already reported, Viktor Kassai is going to be the head of the Bulgarian referees. The former FIFA referee spoke to our portal about the invitation. 

As we reported on Wednesday,
Viktor Kassai is going to be the head of the Bulgarian referees.The former FIFA referee finished his active career in December 2019, and after Russia, a second European country has asked him to take over as head referee– while no one expects his professional experience in Hungary. We can take all this as if a Hungarian coach were already a head coach in the second foreign country. We wanted to know if the referees already have managers or not.

„We don't have managers. In our world, we represent ourselves, the professional relationships we build areimportant – 46-year-old Viktor Kassai told our portal. – Obviously, it matters who what kind of referee was; presidents and general secretaries of the association talk to each other, so you can get information about who is what kind of a professional. Borislav Mikhailov, the President of the Bulgarian Football Union, first approached me with a telephone message to ask if I would like to prepare the local referees and help them with my experience. A face-to-face meeting with the former goalkeeper – who also placed in the 1986 and 1994 World Cups – followed the online meeting. Then, after the last discussions, we shook hands in Sofia on Tuesday, and I accepted the offer.”

Viktor Kassai said that the former 102-time national team goalkeeper outlined what they expect from the head of the referees, and the Hungarian expert also talked about how he envisions working together in Bulgaria.

„First of all, I have to get to know the local customs, the traditions of Bulgarian refereeingsaid Viktor Kassai. – „No two refereeing structures are the same, I'm not sure that what worked in one league will work in another. What is ok at the local level does not need to be touched, but it is necessary to quickly assess in which area it is necessary to make progress.The main thing is that it is necessary to train and improve refereeing under UEFA guidelines.”


(Photo: bfunion.bg)
(Photo: bfunion.bg)


Of course, all this sounds diplomatic, but according to the former football referee, it is worth talking about the specifics after the start of the substantive work, during the cooperation. What is interesting, however, is what the new offer means for Viktor Kassai?

„Recognizing my professionalism – came the succinct answer. – A few months after the end of my work in Russia, another federation thinks that it will give me control of the refereeing of a country. It is an honor that a Hungarian sports professional has been entrusted with this important task, as my colleague György Ring will also be helping me in Bulgaria. Our task is similar to that in Moscow: we are working to ensure that local referees train, develop and improve themselves in the most efficient system possible.”

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