English players were thrilled by the quality of the lawn in the Puskás Aréna

Vágólapra másolva!
2021.02.23. 14:39
Along with the victory the players were also blown away by the stadium’s pitch area (Photo: Csaba Dömötör)
Liverpool and Tottenham played their matches in the Puskás Aréna in Budapest last week when COVID regulations prevented the former team to travel to Germany and the latter team to travel to Austria to meet with RB Leipzig and Wolfsberger respectively. While a trip to Hungary mid-season was hardly ideal for the island country, overall, the two teams rated it positively.


The Champions League match of Liverpool against Leipzig on Tuesday, and two days later the Europa League game of Tottenham and Wolfsberger were played behind closed doors without spectators in the 67,000-capacity Puskás Aréna. As Daily Mail writes, the Puskás Aréna received rave reviews from the English clubs.

One insider says that “they were ‘blown away' by the quality of the playing surface and adding that the trip was „seamless.”

The newspaper ends the article with mentioning the Manchester City is heading to the stadium in the Hungarian capital for the Champions League game against Mönchengladbach on Wednesday. Also, it is likely that further Champions League and Europa League matches will be staged in the Puskás Aréna.

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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