Tenisz: Wimbledon után visszavonul Markosz Bagdatisz

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2019.06.24. 19:38
Az Angol nemzetközi teniszbajnokság után visszavonul a profi tenisztől a ciprusi Markosz Bagdatisz. A 34 éves játékos hétfőn közösségi oldalán közölte a döntését.

„Nagyon hálás vagyok a wimbledoni szervezőknek, hogy szabadkártyát kaptam, és megadták az esélyt a búcsúzásra a sporttól, amely nagy szerepet játszott életem elmúlt több mint harminc évében” – írta Bagdatisz.„Nagyon hálás vagyok a wimbledoni szervezőknek, hogy szabadkártyát kaptam, és megadták az esélyt a búcsúzásra a sporttól, amely nagy szerepet játszott életem elmúlt több mint harminc évében” – írta Bagdatisz.

A ciprusi teniszező 8. is volt a világranglistán, a legjobb éve 2006 volt, amikor az Ausztrál nemzetközi teniszbajnokságon döntőt játszott (Roger Federerrel, s négy szettben kapott ki tőle), Wimbledonban az elődöntőig jutott. Négy ATP-tornát nyert meg, sorozatban 12 szezonon keresztül volt a top 100 tagja.

Dear All, I wanted to take the time to write to you all and let you know that this upcoming Wimbledon will be my last tournament as a tennis professional. I am extremely grateful to the AELTC for granting me a Main Draw Wild-Card at the All England Club, and giving me a chance to say goodbye to the sport that I love so much and has been such a big part of my life for the last 30+ years. This decision was not an easy one. It has proven tough for me, especially physically, to come back to where I feel like I belong. Even though my mind wants to do it, the limits of my body have prevented me to maintain and play at a consistent high level as I expect from myself. Especially the last two years have been very difficult for me with recurring injuries and pain. Besides that, I have a beautiful wife, two young daughters, and a third child on the way and I could not be more excited to spend more time with all of them at home. Although I am sad to say goodbye to the sport as an active player, I am very excited for the next chapter of my life - I am going to be staying heavily involved in tennis in a number of capacities, so you will continue to see me on the tour. Lastly, there are so many people to thank who have been a part of this incredible journey with me, starting with my family first and for all. To all the people that have helped me become the person and tennis player I am today, I say thank you, especially to my Mum and Dad who supported me since the age of 3 to play tennis. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to become better. My team, my close friends, but especially the fans around the world. You made me feel welcome in each and every city and country I have ever been to, and your love, support, and energy is something I will truly miss. Thank you for this amazing run, I can't wait to give it my all one last time in London! All the best, Marcos #Grateful #Atp #LoveMyFans #thankyou

2,002 Likes, 181 Comments - Marcos B a g h d a t i s (@baghdatis_official) on Instagram: "Dear All, I wanted to take the time to write to you all and let you know that this upcoming..."

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