Zsombor Senkó doesn't see DVTK as a step backwards at all

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2023.01.08. 00:09
Zsombor Senkó will be fighting for a place in NB I with Diósgyőr in the spring (Photo: dvtk.eu)
Zsombor Senkó, the 20-year-old goalkeeper who left Juventus after almost four years, told us what made him decide to join the NB II leaders, and he also talked about his experiences in Turin and Diósgyőr.


– What makes the future of DVTK more attractive than what Juventus offered?
– The most important aspect when changing clubs was to get as many playing opportunities as possible so that I could give my best and rise to the top – said Zsombor Senkó, the recently signed goalkeeper for DVTK, who previously spent almost four years with the world-famous Italian club. – I was a goalkeeper for Juventus' third division U23 team at the start of the season. They were happy with me, but I was out of the team due to a broken finger, and then my situation changed. Before I signed for DVTK, I spoke to head coach Sergey Kuznetsov, who told me how he works, and what he expects from the goalkeepers, and I liked what he had outlined. I have a new challenge ahead of me, I have to prove in a new place that I can be counted on.

– Many people were surprised by you signing to a Hungarian club. You came back from one of the most famous teams in the world to the Hungarian second-division leaders.
– I have heard about the reactions, and many people consider my decision as a step backwards, but I don't see it that way! I needed a change of environment to feel comfortable on and off the pitch. I see Diósgyőr as an opportunity to prove what I am worth, and what kind of a goalkeeper I am. I didn't come to Hungary to play football in NB II. Looking at the ranking, we have a good chance to reserve our first place with hard work and get promoted to the first division. I'm here to contribute as much as I can, and I'm also motivated by the fact that I'm playing at the senior level week after week. But of course, I need to prove myself in training.

– Overall, how do you evaluate your almost four years at Juventus?
– Positive, because I was able to develop abroad with a top team. I was promoted as a U16 player, I went through the age-group teams, and I was able to train at the highest level, meet stars and be a Serie A player. I have a lot of good memories, last season we made history with Juventus in the UEFA Youth League, I had a lot of good games, and I made a lot of lifelong friendships.

– In terms of goalkeeping training, were you in the right place at Juventus?
– I got a lot of attention from my coaches, I improved my strength and technique, I also improved mentally, so I owe a lot to the training there. It was completely different training with the adults than in the age group team: the game was much faster, the players shot more accurately and more powerfully. I was able to see first-hand how Gianluigi Buffon or Wojciech Szczesny read the game, and how they trained – they even gave me advice sometimes. But nothing can replace match situations, which is why I switched.

– What are your first experiences at Diósgyőr like?
– I arrived in a welcoming team, the teammates are helpful. The training sessions are intense, hard work is happening in the gym, and the atmosphere is good. I like what I have seen so far. Ágoston Bényei and I have known each other for years from the national team, he was the first person I could turn to, but everyone is nice to me.

– Isn't it strange that you're no longer training players of Cristiano Ronaldo's or Dušan Vlahović's caliber?
– Obviously it's different because Juventus is one of the world's elite Champions League teams, playing at the highest level. However, if I compare it to Juve's third-division team, Diósgyőr has a slightly faster tempo. The reserve team had a hot-blooded atmosphere, I got my head taken off after a bad pass or a mistake, but the atmosphere is better here. In Italy, the goalkeepers were reserved and didn't make friends, whereas here, Branislav Danilović and I have a good working relationship, he's open towards me. Although I haven't played much recently, I feel in good shape. I could be at about eighty percent, but the preparation period is to get me up to a hundred and help the team.

He has spent the last almost four years with the world-famous Juventus (Photo: Getty Images)
He has spent the last almost four years with the world-famous Juventus (Photo: Getty Images)


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