Viktor Orbán: Sports events can be attended after 4 million people are vaccinated

K. P.K. P.
Vágólapra másolva!
2021.04.23. 15:45
Viktor Orbán announced that when Hungary reaches the 4 million vaccination mark next week, sports events can be attended (Photo: MTI)
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has announced that once Hungary reaches 4 million vaccinated people, sports events can be attended with the „Immunity Certificate”.


Viktor Orbán said in Kossuth radio's program ‘Good morning, Hungary!’ on Friday that 3.5 million people got the vaccine, so the country can gradually reopen.

In the middle of next week, by Wednesday or Thursday, Hungary could reach the four million mark for vaccinated people, so a wide range of services will be open to those who have the „Immunity Certificate.” Theaters, dance and music events, circuses, gyms and fitness facilities, ice skating rinks, zoos, baths and swimming pools, playhouses could open. With more than 4 million vaccinated people sports events can be attended as well.

Sports events will soon be open to the public in Hungary (Photo: Tamás Unger/ Vas Népe)
Sports events will soon be open to the public in Hungary (Photo: Tamás Unger/ Vas Népe)

Gergely Gulyás, Minister of the Prime Minister's Office, has previously announced that the „Immunity Certificate” will be required to attend matches, and it also will the condition to buy tickets for this summer's European Championship.

At the same time, the Government also stated on Thursday that only those who can be vaccinated in accordance with the applicable rules will have to show the proof of vaccination. With that being said, minors under 18 will be able to attend, for example, the European Football Championship matches in Budapest without any vaccine verification.

Viktor Orbán's announcement today also means that there could be spectators at the MOL Fehérvár–Újpest Hungarian Cup final at the Puskás Aréna on May 3. More information on this is expected later from the Hungarian Football Association. There also could be fans at the women's Champions League Final4 handball competition in Budapest on May 29-30, though this also depends on the European Handball Federation (EHF).

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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