Hungarian National Team: Marco Rossi renewed his contract

Zs. K.Zs. K.
Vágólapra másolva!
2021.03.13. 13:40
Marco Rossi (Photo: Attila Török)
The Hungarian Football Federation (MLSZ) announced on Friday evening that the Hungarian national team's head coach's contract was renewed. Marco Rossi committed to his position until the end of 2025.


Marco Rossi's option contract was expected to expire at the end of 2022 the latest, but a long-term deal was reached after Friday's meeting. Both sides are determined to continue working together until the end of 2025, the federation's website writes.

The recalls that the Italian trainer, who previously won the Hungarian league title with Budapest Honvéd, took over the national team in 2018.

Last year, the national team won the right to participate in the semi-domestic European Football Championship by defeating Bulgaria and Iceland, and then, to great surprise, won its group to qualify for the UEFA Nations League's highest division A.

Meanwhile, in accordance with the presidential directive, Marco Rossi has continuously added young, talented footballers to the team alongside more experienced players, the Federation's Friday announcement pointed out an important standpoint.

The national team will next play on March 25. Poland will be the opponent in the European opening round of the 2022 World Cup qualifiers in the Puskás Aréna. The next two World Cup qualifiers will be in San Marino three days later, and in Andorra on the 31st.

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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