Champions League: Liverpool welcomes RB Leipzig in Budapest – Official

B. F.B. F.
Vágólapra másolva!
2021.03.04. 13:15
It has become official that the second leg of the Champions League eighth final between Liverpool and RB Leipzig will be held in Budapest.

Péter Gulácsi and Mohamed Salah could play in Budapest for the second time in three weeks (Photo: Attila Török)
Péter Gulácsi and Mohamed Salah could play in Budapest for the second time in three weeks (Photo: Attila Török)

The UEFA's official website and the Puskás Aréna's Facebook page also indicate that the rematch will be in Budapest too. Previously, The Times wrote in an article on Tuesday that the Hungarian capital could be the solution for the match's new venue.

As known, the first match was played in the Puskás Aréna as it was Leipzig's choice of venue due to travel restrictions from England to Germany.

After Liverpool's two-goal victory, the English club's press agent noted that they would definitely be back in three weeks' time because although RB Leipzig could travel to England, they would have to go to quarantine when returning to Germany.

After the first match, both manager Jürgen Klopp and head coach Julian Nagelsmann also commented positively on the circumstances in Budapest.

The rematch will be on March 10 at 9pm in the Puskás Aréna.

This will be the fifth European cup match in the Puskás Aréna within a short time: after the first Leipzig-Liverpool match, the Borussia Mönchengladbach-Manchester City Champions League eighth final and the Europa League Wolfsber-Tottenham Hotspur (0-4) clash were also played here, and the Molde-Granada European League eighth final will occur on March 18.

(Translated by Vanda Orosz)
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