Birthday: Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni

Vágólapra másolva!
2023.03.12. 20:26
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán wrote a birthday letter to László Bölöni, the only living European Cup-winning footballer and the highest-ranked Hungarian coach of Hungarian. Bölöni has been living in France for decades and currently works as the manager of Metz.
Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni
Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni
Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni
Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni
Viktor Orbán congratulated László Bölöni

„Dear Master! If there is a book about football that can be considered one of the most anticipated works of recent years, your book certainly belongs to this category,” – the Prime Minister wrote, referring to the forthcoming autobiography that Bölöni had mentioned in some interviews. Viktor Orbán praised the Transylvanian Hungarian legend's achievements with Steaua, his European Cup and European Super Cup victories, as well as his coaching successes like in Belgium or Portugal.

„Allow me to join the relatives, friends, and admirers in congratulating you on your birthday and wishing you good health and success in your coaching career. God bless you!” – Viktor Orbán's letter concludes. György Szöllősi, ambassador of Hungarian football traditions and editor-in-chief of our newspaper, delivered the letter to Mr. Bölöni – who was celebrating with his family in Nancy, France on Saturday – along with a bottle of Tokaji Aszú.

In the course of the day, the Romanian and Hungarian-language press, as well as Lisbon-based Sporting published a special post praising László Bölöni's outstanding achievements and congratulating him on his 70th birthday. On such occasion, it was also announced that, with the participation of several football stars, a documentary film is being made about the player and coach, who has become a hero of both nations.

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