Hungary's first and only sports radio launched
Vágólapra másolva!
2022.01.17. 19:11
The hosts of Monday morning's historic broadcast were Éva Risztov and Levente Harsányi (Photo: Hédi Tumbász)
As we have reported, on January 17, 2022, at 6 am, Hungary's first and only sports radio was launched. After the national anthem, Ágnes Keleti, the 101-year-old sports legend and the world's oldest Olympic champion, opened the broadcast. A number of other hosts have joined the new broadcast, and the editors promise an exciting and informative stream.

On the morning of January 17, listeners were able to experience moments of sports and media history, as Hungary's first and only sports radio station was launched in and around Budapest at 105.9 MHz and on, Sportrádió's announcement reads.

You can also listen to the radio by clicking here!

In the first moments of the broadcast, Ágnes Keleti greeted the listeners, and then she was joined by athletes, Olympic and world champions (Zsolt Erdei, Zoltán Gera, Bianka Pap, Tímea Nagy, Rita Kőbán, Sándor Tótka, Dénes Varga, Attila Valter, Gábor Talmácsi, Antal Kovács, László Cseh). The first interviewee from abroad (Berlin) was Pál Dárdai, the former head coach of the Hungarian national football team. He praised the radio's launch and said he was convinced the fans would love the station. Dr. Tünde Szabó, Secretary of State for Sports, also spoke on the live broadcast and pointed out that a long-needed radio station had been created.

György Szöllősi, the owner of Sportrádió and editor-in-chief of our newspaper Nemzeti Sport, was also a guest of the morning show. He said, "We now are beginning to believe that the old dream of the profession and the Hungarian sports family has come true: Sportrádió is here, we are here, we are talking to the listeners, and the broadcast can be listened to after a single click on After many successful foreign radio stations, a thematic sports radio can finally be listened to in Hungarian as well."

Editor-in-Chief Zoltán Vobeczky added: "This radio belongs to Hungarian sports. Many athletes, fans. and listeners have dreamed of starting a radio one day that is based on sports themes in Hungary. As a result of a long preparatory work, an old dream has now come true. After the touching moment of the start, it's our job now to make sure everyone's happy with what they're going to hear every day.”

Sportrádió broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sports news, analysis, and background information are prominent in its program. Every weekday from 6 to 10 am, Éva Risztov and Levente Harsányi will host the morning show, while Zsuzsa Csisztu, Zoltán Szujó, Tibor Szegő and Gábor Lantos will be waiting for the listeners in the afternoon show from 4 to 8 pm. Other hosts of the radio include Krisztina Gazdag, Dániel Jekkel, Roland Szani, and Bálint Juhász.

Legendary sports reporter László Török will also present a daily series.

Sportrádió – The Voice of the Winners!

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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