Champions League: Man. City to play in the Puskás Aréna again – Official

H. D.H. D.
Vágólapra másolva!
2021.03.11. 17:15
Manchester City and Borussia Mönchengladbach will meet in Budapest (Photo: Attila Török)
English club Manchester City and German club Borussia Mönchengladbach's Champions League eighth finals rematch will also be held in the Puskás Aréna in Budapest, the UEFA reported on its official website.


As known, the two teams met in the Puskás Aréna on February 24 as it was Borussia Mönchengladbach's choice. Manchester City won the first leg of the eighth finals 2-0.

Just like in the first match, a neutral venue is needed again due to the restrictions imposed in Germany because of the coronavirus outbreak. This time the English team is the selector for the clash, and the match will be on March 16 with a 9pm start in Budapest.

This will be the sixth European cup match in the Puskás Aréna in a short time: following the RB Leipzig-Liverpool (0-2) game, the Borussia Mönchengladbach-Manchester City Champions League eighth finals (0-2), the Wolfsberg-Tottenham Hotspur Europa League clash (0-4) along with the Liverpool-RB Leipzig eighth finals rematch (2-0) on March 10 took place here. The Molde-Granada Europa League eighth finals will also be held here on 18 March.

Translated by Vanda Orosz

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